ford Workshop Repair Guides

Ford Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables|Description and Operation > < Battery Charging
Battery, Mounting and Cables - Specifications Fiesta 1996 (08/1995-02/2002)

Battery Specifications

Ah Rating Battery Type Build date that Ca battery can be installed from
43 Silver Calcium (Ca) 08/1995
50 Silver Calcium (Ca) 08/1995
60 Silver Calcium (Ca) 08/1995

Torque Specifications

Description Nm lb-ft lb-in
Battery clamp retaining nuts 8 - 71
Battery power retaining clamp nut 5 - 44
Battery ground cable retaining clamp nut 5 - 44
Battery tray retaining bolts 25 18 -
Auxiliary power supply cable retaining nut 8 - 71
Generator power cable retaining nut 5 - 44
Starter motor solenoid power cable retaining nuts 6 - 53

414-01 Battery, Mounting and Cables|Description and Operation > < Battery Charging