vauxhall Workshop Repair Guides

Vauxhall Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Techn. Data - OHV ENGINE - Piston Rings > < Techn. Data - OHV ENGINE - Crank Drive - Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dim. 10S

Pistons                                                        10 S, 12 NC, E 12 GV


Type                                                                                  Recessed pistons

Clearance                                                        In short blocks and cylinder blocks with

                                                                        complete pistons, the piston clearance is;

                                                                                                  0.0 mm


                                           In rebuilding (oversize), depending upon the piston available, a clearance of

                                                                                                  0.0 mm

                                                                                             is permissible.

                                                          Select piston according to information on Parts microfiche.


Techn. Data - OHV ENGINE - Piston Rings > < Techn. Data - OHV ENGINE - Crank Drive - Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dim. 10S