volkswagen Workshop Repair Guides

Volkswagen Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Pin assignment and fitting locations > < Battery parameterisation
Battery isolation igniterN253
Battery isolation igniter -N253-
t  Battery isolator improves crash safety on vehicles with battery installed in luggage compartment. In an accident, the airbag control unit triggers a charge that separates the supply line to the starter and the engine electronics. Battery isolation is performed pyrotechnically, with a very small explosive charge. To ensure that the charge is not triggered accidentally when working on the battery or the battery isolator, it is essential that the battery is first disconnected → Chapter.
t  Observe safety measures when working on the battery isolator → Chapter.
t  Observe notes for disposal of battery isolation units → Chapter.
The battery isolation igniter -N253- is installed, depending on the equipment level, in conjunction with the starter battery in the luggage compartment and is integrated in the main fuse holder F on the rear right. The main fuse holder F can be found under the moulded element for the vehicle tools and jack.
t  If the vehicle has a radio with anti-theft coding, you must obtain code before disconnecting battery.
t  When batteries are disconnected and reconnected, the procedure described in the workshop manual must be strictly observed → Chapter.
t  In the event of the battery isolator being triggered, the battery isolation igniter -N253- must be exchanged.

Pin assignment and fitting locations > < Battery parameterisation