audi Workshop Repair Guides

Audi Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Checking shock absorbers on shock tester > < Leaks at shock absorbers
Checking shock absorbers when removed
Checking shock absorbers when removed
Defective shock absorbers can be identified by loud rumbling noises when driving, caused by wheel hopping, especially on bad roads. Heavy fluid leakage is an additional visual indication.
Shock absorbers are maintenance-free; shock absorber fluid cannot be topped up.
After removal, a shock absorber can be checked by hand as follows:
–  Compress shock absorber by hand.
t  The piston rod should move smoothly over the entire stroke with uniform resistance and without jolts.
–  Release piston rod.
t  If the shock absorber has sufficient gas pressure the piston rod will return by itself to its original position.
t  If this is not the case, the shock absorber does not necessarily need to be renewed. Provided there has been no major loss of fluid, it will still be as effective as a conventional shock absorber.
t  Even without gas pressure, the shock absorber will provide full damping effect as long as there has been no major loss of fluid. However, it may produce more noise.

Checking shock absorbers on shock tester > < Leaks at shock absorbers