A5 Cabriolet (8F7) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) (2011)
Driver/Vehicle Information Display: All Technical Service Bulletins
Cell Phone/MMI(R) - Sporadically Inoperative
91 Phone preparation inoperative or MMI sporadically inoperative
91 11 81
February 3, 2011.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 91 number 10 - 77 dated December 22, 2010 for reasons listed below.
The customer may report the following issues with the Telephone Transceiver R-36 in their vehicle:
^ Customers mobile phone no longer connects via Bluetooth. A MMI Software update or Telephone Transceiver replacement was not performed prior
to this condition.
^ MMI displays message Telephone not available.
^ The MMI system is not responding (black display).
Tip: Multimedia Control Head E380 and all MOST ring modules, except R-36, are ruled out as the root cause.
^ The customer may also report that audio output has interference (cutting out, crackling noises) in various audio sources, in which the Telephone
Transceiver may be the root cause.
Tip: Also check TSB 2015528 and TSB 2014375.