TT Quattro Coupe L4-1.8L Turbo (BEA) (2003)
Emergency Contact Module: Technical Service Bulletins
Telematics(R) System - Switching Off Emergency Battery
91 08 88
November 10, 2008.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 91 number 07-34 dated August 10, 2007 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
91 Telematics system, switching off emergency battery
The emergency battery needs to be switched off.
Technical Background
Vehicles with Telematics system are equipped with an emergency (back-up) battery that provides auxiliary power to the Telematics control module in
the event the vehicle battery goes dead or becomes disconnected.
In order to avoid unnecessary discharge of the Telematics emergency (back-up) battery, it should always be switched off prior to disconnecting the
vehicle battery and switched back on after the vehicle battery is reconnected.
Production Solution
Audi Telematics by OnStar is available as an option on all A4, A6 and A8 models beginning with 03.02 production.
Emergency Battery, switching off/on:
Refer to step-by-step procedure in Repair Manual >> Communication >> Repair Group 91.
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.
Additional Information
More information on this system can be found in the following resources:
Owners Manual: Audi Telematics by OnStar Owner's Guide
SSP: For telematics system description and function information, see Audi Telematics by OnStar Self Study Program
VAS Scan Tool: Telematics system OBD functions for A4 models, see VAS 5051 tester in mode "Guided Fault Finding"
The following repair procedure(s) will be necessary to complete this procedure: