3 Series E30 318is (M42) SAL

General information on the operating software "BMW Navigation System V14"
Navigation system Mk1 - E38, E39:
Manufacturing period: start of series production until August 1997
The operating software is version "V 7.7".
Navigation system Mk2c - E38, E39, E46:
Manufacturing period: E38, E39 from September 1997; E46 from September 1998
The operating software is version "V 3.0".
Radio navigation system Mk2m - E46
Manufacturing period: from start of series production
The operating software is version "V 4.0".
Display of software status in the "Settings menu"
The "Settings" menu contains a display in the top right with the generation, device variant and software status.
For Mk1 systems, 1-1/69 is displayed.
These numbers have the following meanings:
1: 1st
generation navigation system, i.e. Mk1
1: 1st
device variant, i.e. top navigation system (with on-board monitor display)
69: Software status of the graphics component in the video module *) (MMI), here: 6.9
For Mk2c systems, 2-1/30 is displayed.
These numbers have the following meanings:
2: 2nd
generation navigation system, i.e. Mk2
1: 1st
device variant, i.e. top navigation system, i.e. Mk2c (colour)
30: Software status of the graphics component in the navigation computer (MMI), here: 3.0
For Mk2m systems, 2-2/40 is displayed.
These numbers have the following meanings:
2: 2nd
generation navigation system, i.e. Mk2
2: 2nd
device variant, i.e. radio navigation system, i.e. Mk2m (mono)
40: Software status of the graphics component in the navigation computer (MMI), here: 4.0
3.1 The screen remains dark or only shows the status bar after the vehicle start.
After turning the ignition key to position 2 (ignition on, terminal 15), no display appears in the on-board monitor except
for the status bar. In this case, the background lighting is on (monitor appears dark grey).
The status bar shows the date and the time. The time is not updated.
This complaint only affects the system "TopNavigation" (Mk2c).
Access conflict in software module during startup process. No further software routines are then run, and thus no
further displays are shown on the monitor.
See Procedure
On the "radio navigation" system, it intermittently occurs that after the ignition is switched on, the display shows
21.01.2013 23:54
Issue status (12/2007) Valid only until next DVD is issued
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