Beretta L4-134 2.2L (1990)

Drive Belt: Service Precautions
Fig. 14 Drive Belt Tensioner Assembly
When installing or removing the drive belt, never exceed 30 ft. lbs. torque on the tensioner center bolt, Fig. 14. Care should also be taken to avoid
bending or twisting the tensioner. If the belt tensioner or idler assembly produces a whining noise, inspect for bearing failure. If the drive belt becomes
frayed, check belt tensioner assembly alignment and ensure belt edge does not contact the tensioner pulley flange.
Serpentine drive belt performance will not be impaired by cracks in the belt ribs. However belt replacement will be required if any of the following
conditions occur: Belt ribs are missing, the belt slips or is frayed, or the belt tensioner runs out of travel before adjustment is proper.