2500 4x2 Pickup V10-488 8.0L Magnum (1996)
Brake Warning Indicator: Description and Operation
Four Wheel Antilock Brakes
The Controller, Antilock Brakes (CAB) provides ground for the ABS warning lamp in the message center through the normally closed contacts in
the ABS warning lamp relay. When the ignition switch is in the START position, the lamp illuminates as a bulb test for approximately 3 to 5
Seconds while the CAB performs a system self-test. While closed, the relay contacts complete the ground path for the ABS warning lamp by
connecting circuit G19 from the lamp to ground on circuit Z1. Power for the lamp is supplied by circuit F14.
If the system self-test is successfully completed, the CAB energizes the ABS warning lamp relay by providing ground for the relay coil on circuit
B47. When the relay energizes, its contacts open and disconnect circuits G19 and Z1. Circuit A20 from fuse 14 in the fuse block supplies power to
the coil side of the relay.
Circuit G19 from the ABS warning splices to the ABS warning lamp and the CAB.