Challenger V8-5.7L (2010)
Refrigerant: Description and Operation
The refrigerant used in this air conditioning system is a HydroFluoroCarbon (HFC), type R-134a. Unlike R-12, which is a ChloroFluoroCarbon (CFC),
R-134a refrigerant does not contain ozone-depleting chlorine. R-134a refrigerant is a nontoxic, nonflammable, clear and colorless liquefied gas.
CAUTION: R-134a refrigerant is not compatible with R-12 refrigerant in an A/C system. Even a small amount of R-12 refrigerant added to an
R-134a refrigerant system will cause A/C compressor failure.
The A/C refrigerant system is filled-for-life at the factory and requires no regular maintenance. Although not required at specific intervals, the charge
level should be checked if system performance deteriorates or if a noise or leak is suspected See: Heating and Air Conditioning/Testing and
Inspection/Component Tests and General Diagnostics