Charger V8-5.7L (2008)
Wheels: Service and Repair
All wheels and wheel trim, especially aluminum and chrome plated, should be cleaned regularly using mild soap and water to maintain their luster and to
prevent corrosion. Wash them with the same soap solution recommended for the body of the vehicle.
When cleaning extremely dirty wheels, care must be taken in the selection of tire and wheel cleaning chemicals and equipment to prevent damage to the
wheels. Mopar(R) Tire & Wheel Cleaner, Mopar(R) Wheel Treatment or Mopar(R) Chrome Cleaner is recommended. Any of the "DO NOT USE" items
listed below can damage wheels and wheel trim.
Any abrasive cleaner
Any abrasive cleaning pad (such as steel wool) or abrasive brush
Any cleaner that contains an acid which can react with and discolor the chrome surface. Many wheel cleaners contain acids that can harm the
wheel surface.
Oven cleaner
A car wash that uses carbide-tipped wheel cleaning brushes or acidic solutions.