Viper SRT-10 V10-8.4L (2008)
Refrigerant Oil: Capacity Specifications
It will not be necessary to check the oil level in the A/C compressor or to add oil, unless there has been an oil loss. An oil loss may occur due to a rupture
or leak from a refrigerant line, a connector fitting, a component, or a component seal. If a leak occurs, add 30 milliliters (1 fluid ounce) of refrigerant oil
to the refrigerant system after the repair has been made. Refrigerant oil loss will be evident at the leak point by the presence of a wet, shiny surface
around the leak.
Refrigerant oil must be added when an A/C accumulator, A/C evaporator or A/C condenser is replaced. See the Refrigerant Oil Capacities chart.
The refrigerant oil level in a new A/C compressor must first be adjusted prior to compressor installation.