F 450 2WD Super Duty V10-6.8L VIN S (1999)

P0500 - P0504: Testing and Inspection
P0500 ( P 0500 )
For diagnosis of P0500 refer to the system experiencing the problem.
Computers and Control Systems or Transmission Control System
Gas Engines
5.4L, 6.8L F-Series Over 8500 GVW
Go to DF1. See: Powertrain Management/Computers and Control Systems/Testing and Inspection/Pinpoint Tests/DF - Vehicle Speed
Circuit Check
F-Series 4x4 Under 8500 Manual Shift On the Fly (MSOF)
Go to DP30. See: Powertrain Management/Computers and Control Systems/Testing and Inspection/Pinpoint Tests/DP - Vehicle
Speed/Transfer Case Speed Sensors/DP30 - DP35
All Others
Go to DP1. See: Powertrain Management/Computers and Control Systems/Testing and Inspection/Pinpoint Tests/DP - Vehicle
Speed/Transfer Case Speed Sensors