S2000 L4-2.2L (2004)
Brake Pedal Assy: Adjustments
Brake Pedal and Brake Pedal Position Switch Adjustment
Pedal Height
1. Disconnect the brake pedal position switch connector, loosen the brake pedal position switch locknut (A), and back off the brake pedal position
switch (B) until it is no longer touching the brake pedal.
2. Lift up the carpet and the insulator cutout (C). Measure the pedal height (D) from the middle of the right side center of the pedal pad (E).
Standard pedal height with carpet removed): 179 mm (7 1/16 inch)
3. Loosen the pushrod locknut (A), and screw the pushrod in or out with pliers until the standard pedal height from the floor is reached. After
adjustment, tighten the locknut firmly. Do not adjust the pedal height with the pushrod pushed in.