TD5 Defender
Oil filters
The Td5 engine features two types of oil filter; the main filter is a standard disposable cartridge-type full flow oil
filter which is augmented with a by-pass centrifuge filter used to filter out particulate matter having a smaller
diameter smaller than 15 micron but greater than 3 micron.
1. Centre spindle
2. Spindle oil holes (2 off)
3. Centrifuge filter housing
4. Centrifuge filter drain pipe
5. Port - centrifuge filter drain pipe to sump
6. Filter rotor
7. Internal seal
8. Cover
9. Cover screws (2 off)
The centrifuge filter is located on the left hand side of the engine block by the exhaust manifold and is housed in a
pot which is bolted to the oil cooler housing by means of three bolts. The pot contains a rotor located on a central
spindle which spins at up to 15,000 rev/min when oil is flowing through the unit under pressure. The rotor contains
two fine holes drilled at obtuse angles which cause the rotor to spin about the centre spindle when high pressure
oil is passing through it. The inner surface of the rotor captures carbon deposits and small particulate matter as it
is thrown outwards under centrifugal force to form a sludge on the inner walls of the rotor. The unit is able to trap
very fine impurities that build up in the oil that would be too small to filter using the normal paper-element type
full-flow filters alone.