TD5 Defender
Lash adjusters and finger followers - Inspection
1. Check lash adjuster bores for scoring and signs
of wear or damage.
2. Check lash adjusters for signs of wear, scoring
and overheating, replace as necessary. Ensure
oil hole in each lash adjuster is clear.
CAUTION: Store lash adjusters upright
and in their fitted order.
3. Check finger followers for wear and that rollers
are free to rotate.
CAUTION: Store finger followers in their
fitted order.
Camshaft - Inspection
1. Check camshaft lobes and bearing journals for
signs of scoring and wear.
2. Check bearing surfaces in cylinder head and
camshaft carrier for signs of scoring and wear.
CAUTION: Cylinder head and camshaft
carrier are machined together as an
assembly, if bearing surfaces in either
component are damaged, both components must
be replaced as an assembly.
Camshaft - Check end-float
1. Position camshaft in camshaft carrier.
2. Check end-float of camshaft using a DTI.
Camshaft end-float = 0.06 to 0.16 mm (0.002 to
0.006 in).
3. Renew components as necessary to achieve
correct end-float.