Discovery II
Body Sealing
Underbody sealer treatment areas
Underfloor areas and sill outer panels are treated with a Plastisol PVC underbody sealer. This material is not suitable
for re-treatment. When repairing areas of underbody sealer, strip the factory-applied underbody sealer back to a
suitable break point. Ensure that a clean metal surface is exposed and that the edge of the existing sealer adheres
soundly to the panel.
Apply new underbody sealer between primer and surfacer paint operations. Apply seam sealer as necessary before
application of underbody sealer. Ensure that blanking plugs and grommets in the floor pan (except those used for wax
injection) are fitted before underbody sealer application. Refit any heat-fusible plugs which have been disturbed in
repair with the aid of a hot air blower, or replace with rubber grommets.
CAUTION: Ensure that suspension units, wheels, tyres, power unit, propeller shafts, exhaust and brakes
(including all mounting points) are shielded prior to application of fresh underbody sealer.