Discovery II
12. Remove 4 nuts securing steering column
assembly to fascia rail and remove steering
column assembly.
13. Remove rubber boot from steering column
14. Position steering column assembly in a vice.
15. Remove 2 screws and remove ignition switch.
16. Remove cable tie and remove multiplug from
ignition switch.
17. Centre punch or drill out steering lock shear
18. Remove steering lock
1. Position lock to steering column assembly and
fit shear bolts. Do not tighten shear bolts at this
2. Insert starter key, check operation of steering
lock and that key turns freely.
3. Tighten shear bolts fully and shear heads off.
4. Position ignition switch to column, fit and
tighten screws.
5. Position multiplug to switch and secure with
new cable tie.
6. Fit rubber boot to column.
7. Remove column from vice.
8. Position steering to fascia rail fit nuts and
tighten to 22 Nm (16 lbf.ft).
9. Secure harness to column clip.
10. Position rubber grommet.
11. Close access panel and secure turn buckles.
12. Connect ignition switch multiplugs.
13. Position column switch and tighten clamp
14. Connect column switch multiplugs.
15. Position passive coil, connect multiplug and
illumination bulb.
16. Fit steering column nacelle.
17. Fit rotary coupler.
18. Close fascia lower access panel.
19. Fit steering column intermediate shaft.