Transfer Box LT230SE High/Low Selector Cable Adjustment
Cable - selector - differential lock - adjust
$% 41.20.11
1. Check operation of differential lock selection
and adjust cable if required.
1. Remove front propeller shaft.
2. Loosen locknuts securing outer cable to
abutment bracket.
3. Move differential lock selector lever to non
differential lock position.
4. Move differential lever on transfer gearbox fully
forward to rotate selector shaft anti-clockwise
into the non differential lock detent position.
CAUTION: Should the lever move past the
detent, allow it to move back into the non
differential lock detent position before
adjusting the cable.
5. Without moving levers, simultaneously tighten
differential lock outer cable locknuts either side
of the abutment bracket to 30 Nm (22 lbf.ft).
6. Fit front propeller shaft.
Cable - high/low selector
$% 41.20.46
1. Raise vehicle on ramp.
2. Using a suitable crows foot spanner, loosen
lock nuts securing outer cable to abutment
3. Select high range by moving lever on transfer
gearbox fully forward.
4. Insert tool LRT-41-016 through hole in selector
lever and housing. This ensures selector
lever is in the high range position.
5. Check that tool LRT-41-016 is a sliding fit in
selector lever and housing.
6. Simultaneously tighten high/low selector cable
lock nuts either side of abutment bracket to 30
Nm (22 lbf.ft) .
7. Remove tool LRT-41-016 from gear selector
lever and housing.
8. Lower vehicle on ramp.