Discovery II
Body Control Unit (BCU)
RHD shown, LHD similar
The BCU controls all operations for the front windows. It controls the voltage and the earth paths to the window
motors, it controls one-touch down operation and it detects stall conditions. Stall detection protects the system from
sustained high current draw that occurs when a window reaches the fully up/down position or becomes stuck. When
the BCU detects a stall condition, it disables operation at the stalled window until the window switch is released. Upon
releasing the window switch, the BCU allows normal window operation.
The BCU receives power from fuse 34 (30A) of the passenger compartment fusebox. There is a unique earth signal
between each pole of the front window switches and the BCU. This allows the BCU to determine which window motor
to operate as well as which direction to operate the motor. The BCU operates the front window motors directly. There
are no relays or switches between the BCU and the window motors.
The BCU disables stall detection on the front windows for a period of 500 ms when an electric window operates to
allow for initial current surge to the window motor. After this period, if the BCU detects a stall signal (high current draw)
for more than 300 ms, it disables the window motor until the window switch is released.
The BCU also contains the ignition switched off timeout information for both the front and the rear windows. It controls
the rear window timeout function through the IDM.
TestBook communicates with the BCU and can determine the status of the front window switches. TestBook can also
operate both front windows. TestBook can only determine rear window timeout status. It cannot determine the status
of the rear windows, nor can it operate the rear windows.
Do not feed TestBook cables through open windows as the windows operate while performing test.