Range Rover P38
11. Remove coolant pipe. Remove ’O’ ring and
12. Remove top hose from thermostat housing.
13. Remove 3 bolts securing thermostat housing to
engine front cover.
14. Remove thermostat housing.
15. Collect thermostat. Remove ’O’ ring and discard.
16. Lubricate new ’O’ ring with clean coolant
solution. Fit to thermostat.
17. Locate thermostat in housing.
CAUTION: Ensure that ball valve is
correctly located.
18. Position thermostat and housing assembly.
Secure with bolts. Tighten to
10 Nm (7 lbf.ft)
19. Fit top hose to thermostat. Secure with clip.
20. Using a new ’O’ ring, position coolant pipe.
Engage to engine front cover.
21. Secure connecting pipe to front cover with bolt.
Tighten to
10 Nm (7 lbf.ft)
22. Connect heater hose. Secure with clip.
23. Align exhaust manifold heat shield. Position
intake ducting bracket.
24. Secure ducting bracket and heat shield with
25. Position intake ducting. Engage clips.
26. Engage breather valve into ducting grommet.
27. Connect ducting to turbocharger intake hose.
Secure with clip.
28. Connect intake hose to ducting. Secure with clip.
29. Fit cooling fan cowl.
See this section.
30. Remove safety stands. Lower vehicle.
31. Reconnect battery negative lead.
Service repair no - 26.25.11
1. Disconnect battery negative lead.
2. Raise the vehicle.
WARNING: Support on safety stands.
3. Remove viscous coupling and fan assembly.
See this section.
4. Disconnect bottom hose from radiator.
5. Remove 2 clips securing cowl to radiator.
6. Remove cooling fan cowl from radiator.
7. Reverse removal procedure.