Range Rover Classic
Pick-up Coil Resistance
Remove amplifier.
Connect ohmmeter leads to two pick-up terminals in
body of distributor.
The ohmmeter should register between 2k and 5k
ohm if pick-up is satisfactory. If ohmmeter reading is
correct, check all connections between pick-up and
amplifier, if satisfactory, fit new amplifier. If engine still
does not start carry out Test 5.
Change pick-up if ohmmeter reading is incorrect. If
engine still does not start proceed to Test 5.
Coil H.T. Sparking
Remove existing coil/distributor H.T. lead and fit test
H.T. lead to coil tower. Using suitable insulated pliers,
hold free end about 6mm from engine block and crank
engine. There should be good H.T. sparking.
If weak or no sparking, fit new coil, repeat test.
H.T. sparking good, repeat test with original H.T. lead.
If sparking is good carry out Test 6.
If weak or no sparking, fit new H.T. lead, if engine will
not start carry out Test 6.