Removing Crankshaft from Engine Overhaul Manual v8 40 46
8. Check clearance between connecting rods on
each crankshaft journal.
Connecting rod clearance = 0.15 to 0.36 mm
(0.006 to 0.014 in).
9. Clean oil strainer and oil pick-up pipe.
10. Smear a new ’O’ ring with engine oil and fit to
oil pick-up pipe.
11. Position oil pick-up pipe spacer on number 4
main bearing cap stud.
12. Fit oil pick-up pipe ensuring that end of pipe is
correctly inserted in oil pump body.
13. Fit oil pick-up pipe to oil pump body bolts and
tighten to 8 Nm (6 lbf.ft).
14. Fit washers and nut securing oil pick-up pipe to
stud; tighten nut to 24 Nm (18 lbf.ft).
15. Fittiming chain and gears.
Crankshaft - remove
1. Remove flywheel or drive plate and ring gear
2. Remove timing cover.
3. Remove timing chain and gears.
4. Remove big-end bearings.
5. Make suitable reference marks between each
main bearing cap and cylinder block.
6. Starting at centre main bearing and working
outwards, progressively slacken then remove
10 main bearing cap bolts.
CAUTION: Keep bolts in their fitted order.
7. Starting at centre main bearing and working
outwards, progressively slacken then remove 5
LH side hexagonal head bolts and 4 RH side
hexagonal head bolts and one Allen bolt;
remove and discard Dowty washers.
8. Remove 5 main bearing caps, remove and
discard bearing shells.
NOTE: Number 4 main bearing cap is
drilled to accommodate oil pick-up pipe