Mark VIII V8-4.6L DOHC (1996)
Alignment: Service and Repair
Camber is the amount the centerline of the wheel is tilted inward or outward from true vertical. It the top of the wheel is tilted outward, away from
the vehicle, the camber is positive. If the top of the wheel is tilted inward, toward the vehicle, the camber is negative. For correct camber angle,
refer to Specifications.
1. Loosen the nut on the front suspension lower arm pivot bolt.
2. Rotate the pivot bolt and the cam to the desired camber setting.
3. Tighten the pivot bolt nut to specification while holding the pivot bolt and the adjuster cam stationary.
Caster is the forward or rearward tilt of the top of the front wheel spindle. If the top of the spindle tilts to the rear, caster is positive. For correct
caster angle, refer to Specifications.