300SEL (126.025) L6-3.0L (103.981) (1988)
Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
Bleeding brake system or replacing brake fluid
A. Vehicles without ASR
Screw off cap and drain chambers in brake fluid reservoir down to a brake fluid level of approx. 10 mm. Observe note on brake fluid
Do not completely drain brake fluid reservoir to prevent air from getting into brake system.
With bleeding unit
Renew brake fluid or bleed brake system with filling and bleeding unit
Observe operating instructions of unit manufacturer.
Allow approx. 80 cc of brake fluid to flow out at each brake caliper so that the lines and pressure cylinders in the brake calipers are filled with new
brake fluid. Start bleeding at right rear brake cylinder.
Without bleeding unit
Fill brake fluid reservoir up to "maximum mark" with brake fluid. Pump old brake fluid out of each caliper by pumping brake pedal
Note: Close bleed screw each time brake pedal is depressed and allow brake pedal to return slowly so that air is not sucked in through the bleed
screw threads and a sufficient quantity of brake fluid can flow back into the system out of the brake fluid reservoir.
Start bleeding at right rear brake cylinder.
Correct brake fluid level in brake fluid reservoir.
Screw on cap
Assure that the vent hole in the cap (arrow) is not clogged.
B. Vehicles with ASR 1st version