Sentra L4-2.0L (MR20DE) (2010)
Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
Bleeding Brake System
While bleeding, pay attention to master cylinder fluid level.
Before working, disconnect connectors of ABS actuator and electric unit (control unit) or the battery negative terminal if equipped.
1. Connect a vinyl tube to the rear right bleed valve.
2. Fully depress brake pedal 4 to 5 times.
3. With brake pedal depressed, loosen bleed valve to let the air out, and then tighten it immediately.
4. Repeat steps 2, 3 until no more air comes out.
5. Tighten bleed valve to specified torque. See: Brakes and Traction Control/Disc Brake System/Service and Repair/Removal and Replacement
(front disc brake), See: Brakes and Traction Control/Drum Brake System/Brake Drum/Service and Repair/Component (rear drum brake), See:
Brakes and Traction Control/Disc Brake System/Brake Caliper/Service and Repair/Removal and Replacement/Rear Disc Brake/Component (rear
disc brake).
6. Following the steps 1 to 5 above, with master cylinder reservoir tank filled at least half way, bleed air from the rear right, front left, rear left, and
front right brake, in that order.