Champ L4-1410cc 1.4L SOHC VIN 2 2-BBL (1982)

Radiator Cooling Fan Motor Relay: Testing and Inspection
On Colt and Colt Hatchback models, the fan relay is located in the relay box which is installed on the left side toe board behind the corner panel. On Colt
Vista models, the relay box is located on the right front wheel house.
Fig. 3 Fan motor relay. 1984 Colt Hatchback
Disconnect battery ground cable.
Remove relay by pressing claws.
Fig. 4 Relay terminal identification. 1984 Colt Hatchback
Using suitable ohmmeter, check continuity between fan motor relay terminals 2 and 4, then terminals 1 and 3.
If continuity does not exist during test, replace relay.