Neon L4-2.0L DOHC (1996)
ABS Main Relay: Description and Operation
The system relay is used for the operation of the ABS system. Power for the relay is supplied on the B57 circuit from cavity 57 of the Controller
Anti Lock Brake (CAB).
Ground for the relay is on the Z1 circuit. This ground is spliced in with the pump motor and terminates at the left headlamp ground.
When the system is operating normally power for the contact side of the relay is supplied from the CAB on the B57 circuit. It passes through the
relay to the Z1 ground and terminates at the left headlamp ground. If a problem is detected in the system, the contact side of the relay switches
from the Z1 to the F12 circuit. This causes the ABS warning lamp in the instrument cluster to illuminate.