G6 V6-3.5L (2009)
Caution: Refer to Fastener Caution (See: Service Precautions/Vehicle Damage Warnings/Fastener Caution).
3. Install the engine flywheel bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 71 Nm (52 lb ft).
4. Measure the flywheel runout:
1. Install a dial indicator on the engine block and inspect the engine flywheel runout at 3 attaching bosses. Refer to Engine Mechanical
Specifications (See: Engine, Cooling and Exhaust/Engine/Specifications/Service Limit & General Specifications).
2. If the condition cannot be corrected, replace the engine flywheel.
5. Install the automatic transaxle. Refer to Transmission Replacement (3.5L (LZ4) W/MN5) (See: Automatic Transmission/Transaxle/Service and
Repair/Removal and Replacement)Transmission Replacement (2.4L (LE5) W/MN5) (See: Automatic Transmission/Transaxle/Service and
Repair/Removal and Replacement).