911 Carrera Cabriolet (996) F6-3.4L (1999)
additional information with the "F4" key.
Return to "Function selection" and select the fault memory. For each fault, have the additional information displayed with the "F8" Info key. Save
the additional information with the "F4" key.
Return to "Function selection" and select "Events". Save with the "F4" key.
Return to "Function selection" and select "Activation status memory". Save with the "F4" key.
1.10 Connect the P512 to a printer using a printer cable. If there is no printer near the vehicle.
1.11 Disconnect the diagnostic cable from the PSJ2 for the duration of the printout. Print out the working log.
1.12 If the diagnostic cable was unplugged: Plug it back into the PST2. Establish the connection to the alarm system control unit with the ">>" key.
1.13 Erase the Fault, Event, and Activation status memories.
1.14 Return to the start menu with the "ESC" key and switch off the P512.
1.15 Disconnect the PSJ2 from the diagnostic socket.
911 Carrera (996) Technical Manual, Group 0, Diagnosis, Part 2: > Repair: 90 01 - "Alarm system diagnosis/troubleshooting."