VUE AWD L4-2.2L VIN D (2005)

Emergency Contact Module: All Technical Service Bulletins
OnStar(R) - Re-establishing OnStar(R) Communications
Bulletin No.: 00-08-46-004C
Date: January 17, 2008
Re-establishing Communications with OnStar(R) Center After Battery Disconnect
2000-2008 GM Passenger Cars and Trucks (Including Saturn and Saab)
with Digital OnStar(R) (RPO UE1)
This bulletin is being revised to add models and model years. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 00-08-46-004B (Section 08 - Body and
When servicing any of the above models and a battery cable is disconnected or power to the OnStar(R) Vehicle Communication Interface Module
(VCIM) is interrupted for any reason the following procedure must be performed to verify proper Global Positioning System (GPS) function.
Never swap OnStar(R) Vehicle Communication Interface Modules (VCIM) from other vehicles. Transfer of OnStar(R) modules from other vehicles
should not be done. Each OnStar(R) module has a unique identification number. The VCIM has a specific Station Identification (STID). This
identification number is used by the National Cellular Telephone Network and OnStar(R) systems and is stored in General Motors Vehicle History files
by VIN.
After completing ALL repairs to the vehicle you must perform the following procedure:
Move the vehicle into an open area of the service lot.
Sit in the vehicle with the engine running and the radio turned on for five minutes.
Press the OnStar(R) button in the vehicle.
When the OnStar(R) advisor answers ask the advisor to verify the current location of the vehicle.
If the vehicle location is different than the location the OnStar(R) advisor gives contact GM Technical Assistance (TAC) and choose the OnStar(R)
prompt. GM OnStar(R) TAC will assist in the diagnosis of a failed VCIM and, if appropriate, order a replacement part. Replacement parts are usually
shipped out within 24 hours, and a pre-paid return package label will be included for returning the faulty part. By returning the faulty part, you will avoid
a non-return core charge.