Impreza F4-2.5L SOHC (2003)
Check the toe-in.
Correct the boot if it is twisted.
1. Position the vehicle on a level surface.
2. Move the vehicle 3 to 4 meters directly forward.
3. Determine the locus of both front and rear axles.
4. Measure the distance "L" between center line of loci of the axles.
Thrust angle: Less than 20' when "L', is equal to or less than 15 mm (59 inch).
1. Make the thrust angle adjustments by turning toe-in adjusting bolts of rear suspension equally in the same direction.
2. When one rear wheel is adjusted in a toe-in direction, adjust the other rear wheel equally in toe-out direction, in order to make the thrust angle
3. When the left and right adjusting bolts are turned incrementally by one graduation in the same direction, the thrust angle will change
approximately 16' ["L" is almost equal to 12 mm (0.472 inch)].