vauxhall Workshop Repair Guides

Vauxhall Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Operation of Dual Telltale System for Turn Signal Telltales > < Instrument Assembly, Remove (as of MY '90)

Check functioning of system.


To check, connect trailer to vehicle.

When checking without trailer, connect a 5 watt light bulb to socket clamps "5/58R" and to "7/58L" and a 21 watt light bulb to terminals "1/L", "4/R", "2/54g" and "6/54". With 13-pin socket, connect in addition a 21 watt bulb to terminal 9.


When operating with trailer, the double telltale system is a closed system. The system will indicate non-functioning bulbs on vehicle or trailer. When operating without a trailer, only the vehicle telltales are of importance.


Operation of Dual Telltale System for Turn Signal Telltales > < Instrument Assembly, Remove (as of MY '90)