Golf Windshield Wipers: Streak Or Smear Fix (9210-05)
Windshield: Customer Interest
Wipers/Washers - Windshield Wipers Streak Or Smear
92 10 05
September 29, 2010
2018568 Supersedes T.B. V920803 dated Sept 3, 2008 to include the USA market, update model, model years and content.
Vehicle Information
Customer States Windshield Wipers Streak or Smear
To avoid unnecessary replacement of wiper blades, a few potential causes such as, the condition / cleanliness of the windshield and wiper blades, should
be checked first.
Customer may complain that wipers are ineffective. Complaints may include that the wipers:
Streak or smear.
Do not clear across entire length of blade.
Chatter or skip as wiper travels across windshield glass.
Technical Background
If addressed, the wiper performance is significantly improved, as is the longevity of the wiper blades. The following causes are possible:
The car wash and care products leave wax residues as well as remnants of high gloss drying aid on all glass surfaces.
Use of Nano coating on the windshield and rear glass.
The rubber sections of the blade are worn.
Production Solution