Golf GL L4-2.0L (AZG) (2001)
Switch on ignition.
Switch on printer with the PRINT button (indicator lamp in button lights up).
Press button -1- to select operating mode 1, "Rapid data transfer".
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer
Input address word XX
Press buttons -1- and -7- to input address word 17 "Instrument Cluster".
Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display (example only)
1J0919860D A4 COMBI INSTR. VDO V04 ->
Coding 00042 WSC 00000
Press -> button.
Indicated on display (example only)
IMMO-IDENT No.: VWZ7ZOV0066808 ->
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer
Select function XX
Immobilizer identification number (14 characters, VW...)
Press -> button.
If this message appears in the display:
Control module does not answer! HELP
Press HELP button to print out a list of possible malfunction causes.
After rectifying malfunctions, re-enter address word 17 for Instrument cluster and press -Q- button to confirm input.
Indicated on display (example only)
IMMO-IDENT No.: VWZ7ZOV0066808 ->
Press -> button.
Indicated on display (select functions):
Rapid data transfer
Select function XX
List of available functions