Golf GL L4-2.0L (AZG) (2001)
Alarm Module: Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes
With Manufacturer Scan Tool
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Memory, Checking (function 02)
NOTE: DTCs stored in memory along with corresponding malfunction descriptions can only be displayed by initiating the On Board Diagnostic
program and checking DTC memory (function 02).
Connect VAG 1551 Scan Tool, select operating mode 1 "Rapid data transfer", switch on ignition and enter address word 17, "Instrument cluster".
Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Press -> button until "Select function" appears in display.
Switch printer on with -Print- button (indicator lamp in button lights up).
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer
Select function XX
Press buttons -0- and -2- to select "Check DTC memory" function 02.
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer
02 - Check DTC memory
Press -Q- button to confirm input.
The number of stored DTCs appears in the display.
X DTC recognized!
The number of stored DTCs or "No DTC s recognized" appears in the display and are printed out one after another.
When the last DTC has been displayed and printed out, rectify malfunctions as described in DTC table. See: Powertrain Management/Computers
and Control Systems/Testing and Inspection/Diagnostic Trouble Code Tests and Associated Procedures/VAG Code Charts/Immobilizer System
If "No DTC recognized" is displayed the program will return to starting point after pressing -> button.
No DTC recognized
Indicated on display
Rapid data transfer
Select function XX
If display reads otherwise:
Press buttons -0- and -6- to select "End Output" function 06. See: Scan Tool Testing and Procedures/Scan Tool Testing/End Output (Function 06)
Switch ignition off and disconnect Data Link Connector (DLC).
Without Manufacturer Scan Tool
The manufacturer does not provide a procedure for reading diagnostic trouble codes without a scan tool.
Clearing Trouble Codes
Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Memory, Erasing (function 05)
NOTE: After erasing DTC memory its contents will automatically be indicated. If DTC memory cannot be erased, check DTC memory again and repair
DTC memory has been checked. See: Displaying and Reading Trouble Codes/With Manufacturer Scan Tool
All malfunctions repaired.