New Beetle L5-2.5L (BPR) (2007)
‹› Freeze protection must be guaranteed to approximately -25 °C (approximately -35 °C in countries with an arctic climate).
‹› If climate conditions make greater freeze protection necessary, the amount of G 12 can be increased up to 60% (Freeze protection to
approximately -40 °C). Adding more coolant reduces the freeze protection and reduces the cooling efficiency.
If freeze protection is insufficient, drain off required quantity shown in freeze protection table and add coolant additive -G 12- which corresponds
to TL VW 774 F.
Coolant Level, Checking and Filling
Check the coolant level in the coolant reservoir with the engine cold.
‹› Delivery inspection: coolant level at max. marking - arrow -
‹› Inspection service: coolant level between the min. and max. marks.
If coolant level is too low, fill with coolant mixture.
‹› If fluid losses are greater than can be reasonably expected, rectify malfunctions.
Mixture Ratio
‹› Coolant additive -G 12- according to TL VW 774 F prevents freezing and corrosion damage, scaling and also raises boiling point of coolant. For