Passat GLS L4-1.8L Turbo (AUG) (2001)
Technical Service Bulletin # 9105-01
Date: 050502
Audio System - Poor Radio Reception
Group: 91
Number: 05-01
Date: May 2, 2005
Radio, Reception Diagnosis
All with Premium V and VI Radio
1998 > 2006
Poor radio reception.
Service Procedure
For concerns of poor radio reception:
Use the following as a guide for trouble shooting.
This Technical Bulletin is divided into four sections:
Section 1: Includes antenna systems by vehicle.
Section 2: Includes radio antenna system diagnosis procedures for AM/FM concerns using internal radio diagnostics.
Section 3: Includes antenna lead diagnosis.
Section 4: Antenna cables
Perceived reception issues may be a result of environmental factors.
Reception may be diminished in certain areas due to power wires, buildings and/or overpasses.
Aftermarket window tint may interfere with reception.
In cases that are questionable, locate identical vehicle and verify concern (if the like vehicle is same, condition may be normal).
Section 1 - Antenna systems by vehicle
For more detail see Repair Manual Group 91- Communication of the vehicle you are working on.
Passat (W8 only)