volkswagen Workshop Repair Guides

Volkswagen Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Vehicle alignment specifications > < Vehicle alignment
Running gear, axles, steering
Vehicle alignment
Test prerequisites:
  • ● Measuring equipment correctly adjusted
  • ● Vehicle unladen 1)

     1)     Unladened means: the weight of the vehicle ready for the road (fuel tank completely filled, spare wheel, vehicle tools and vehicle jack).

  • The fluid reservoir for the windscreen/headlight washer system must be full.
  • ● Tyres inflated to correct pressure
  • ● Vehicle accurately aligned, suspension bounced and rocked several times
  • ● Suspension, steering and steering linkage check for excessive play and damage.
  • ◆ Vehicle alignment should not be checked before the vehicle has completed a settling period (1000 to 2000 km (600 to 1200 miles)).

→ Vehicle transverse inclination "Zero position"

Right-hand drive vehicles or for example vehicles with an automatic gearbox can lean to one side slightly.

This is due to the installation position of the assemblies and their associated weight transfer and is normal.

If the measured values are outside the permitted tolerances, the cause may be an incorrect vehicle attitude.

  • ‒ → Then it is absolutely necessary to measure dimension "a" on left and right-hand sides.
  • ‒ Correct differences if necessary.

On front axle, compensate by adding weights to top of relevant suspension turret.

On rear axle, compensate by adding weights to relevant side of luggage compartment.

Sand filled sacks -weighting approx. 10 kg- are suitable for this.

Vehicle alignment specifications > < Vehicle alignment