vauxhall Workshop Repair Guides

Vauxhall Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

Repair Instructions|General > < System 9, Water Base Coat for 2-coat Paint Applications


Painting a vehicle protects the metal from corroding and maintains the vehicle's appearance. The importance of paint in order to protect against corrosion and maintain the value is evident for the vehicle owner. It is the job of the painter, when carrying out the paint repairs, to paint the body parts (body sheet metal parts and plastic exterior parts) in such a way that no differences in colour compared to the factory paintwork can be determined.

Due to continued development in paint chemistry, highly advanced paint pigments and bonding agents are used, resulting in colours appropriate to contemporary taste and current design. For this reason, painting techniques for service paint repairs must be continuously refined with respect to the level of colour matching to be accomplished.

This publications describes the blending system (blend-in painting / touching up) for colour matching and the painting of partial areas in addition to the standard spraying techniques.

The colour and degree of gloss of the paint may alter as a result of improper care, the environment, weathering or difficult driving conditions. This generally leads to paint repair difficulties with older vehicles.

The products in our sales programme make paint repairs of the highest visual and substantive quality possible.

The special feature of paint repair products is that they are intermediaries. The final product, the "COAT OF PAINT", is produced only after the surface in question has been prepared, hardeners and thinners have been incorporated in the prescribed mixing ratio and drying times have been observed.

Related Literature Units

Repair Instructions|General > < System 9, Water Base Coat for 2-coat Paint Applications