vauxhall Workshop Repair Guides

Vauxhall Workshop Service and Repair Manuals

OHC and DOHC Petrol Engines - Piston Rings > < Piston Rings, Replace



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 12 ST


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".



Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production           1            77.745*      77.755                     5                77.735*      77.745                   5

                                           77.755        77.765                     6                77.745        77.755                   6

                                           77.765        77.775                     7                77.755        77.765                   7

                                           77.775        77.785                     8                77.765        77.775                   8

                                           77.785        77.795                    99               77.775        77.785                  99


                            2            77.795        77.805                    00               77.785        77.795                  00

                                           77.805        77.815                    01               77.795        77.805                  01

                                           77.815        77.825                    02               77.805        77.815                  02

                                           77.825        77.835                    03               77.815        77.825                  03


                            3            77.835        77.845                    04               77.825        77.835                  04

                                           77.845        77.855                    05               77.835        77.845                  05

                                           77.855        77.865                    06               77.845        77.855                  06

                                           77.865        77.875                    07               77.855        77.865                  07


                            4            77.875        77.885                    08               77.865        77.875                  08

                                           77.885        77.895                    09               77.875        77.885                  09

                                           77.895        77.905                     1                77.885        77.895                   1


Customer             Over-     78.265*      78.275                 7 + 0.5           78.255*      78.265              7 + 0.5

Service                size        78.275        78.285                 8 + 0.5           78.265        78.275              8 + 0.5

                            0.5 mm  78.285        78.295                 9 + 0.5           78.275        78.285              9 + 0.5

                                           78.295        78.305                 0 + 0.5           78.285        78.295              0 + 0.5


*)    inclusive



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 13 N, 13 S, C 13 N, 13 NB


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production           1            74.945        74.955                     5                74.925        74.935                   5

                                           74.955        74.965                     6                74.935        74.945                   6

                                           74.965        74.975                     7                74.945        74.955                   7

                                           74.975        74.985                     8                74.955        74.965                   8

                                           74.985        74.995                    99               74.965        77.975                  99

                            2            74.995        75.005                    00               74.975        74.985                  00

                                           75.005        75.015                    01               74.985        74.995                  01

                                           75.015        75.025                    02               74.995        75.005                  02


                                           75.025        75.035                    03               75.005        75.015                  03

                            3            75.035        75.045                    04               75.015        75.025                  04

                                           75.045        75.055                    05               75.025        75.035                  05

                                           75.055        75.065                    06               75.035        75.045                  06


                                           75.065        75.075                    07               75.045        75.055                  07

                            4            75.075        75.085                    08               75.055        75.065                  08

                                           75.085        75.095                    09               75.065        75.075                  09

                                           75.095        75.105                     1                75.075        75.085                   1


Customer             Over-     75.465        75.475                 7 + 0.5           75.445*      75.455              7 + 0.5

Service                size        75.475        75.485                 8 + 0.5           75.455        75.465              8 + 0.5

                            0.5 mm  75.485        75.495                 9 + 0.5           75.465        75.475              9 + 0.5

                                           75.495        75.505                 0 + 0.5           75.475        75.485              0 + 0.5



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 14 NV, C 14 NZ


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production           1                        77.56                              6                         77.54                              6

                                                      77.57                              7                         77.55                              7

                                                      77.58                              8                         77.56                              8


                            2                        77.59                             99                        77.57                             99

                                                      77.60                             00                        77.58                             00

                                                      77.61                             01                        77.59                             01

                                                      77.62                             02                        77.60                             02


Customer             Over-                 78.07                          7 + 0.5                    78.05

Service                size




OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 16 SH


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production                         79.945*      79.955                     5                79.935*      79.945                   5

                            1            79.955        79.965                     6                79.945        79.955                   6

                                           79.965        79.975                     7                79.955        79.965                   7

                                           79.975        79.985                     8                79.965        79.975                   8

                                           79.985        79.995                    99               79.975        79.985                  99


                            2            79.995        80.005                    00               79.985        79.995                  00

                                           80.005        80.015                    01               79.995        80.005                  01

                                           80.015        80.025                    02               80.005        80.015                  02

                                           80.025        80.035                    03               80.015        80.025                  03


                            3            80.035        80.045                    04               80.025        80.035                  04

                                           80.045        80.055                    05               80.035        80.045                  05

                                           80.055        80.065                    06               80.045        80.055                  06

                                           80.065        80.075                    07               80.055        80.065                  07


                            4            80.075        80.085                    08               80.065        80.075                  08

                                           80.085        80.095                    09               80.075        80.085                  09

                                           80.095        80.105                     1                80.085        80.095                   1


Customer             Mag.      80.465*      80.475                 7 + 0.5           80.455*      80.465              7 + 0.5

Service                size        80.475        80.485                 8 + 0.5           80.465        80.475              8 + 0.5

                            0.5 mm  80.485        80.495                 9 + 0.5           80.475        80.485              9 + 0.5

                                           80.495        80.505                 0 + 0.5           80.485        80.495              0 + 0.5


*)    inclusive



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 16 SV, C 16 LZ, E 16 NZ, C 16 NZ


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production           1            78.945        78.955                     5                78.925        78.935                   5

                                           78.955        78.965                     6                78.935        78.945                   6

                                           78.965        78.975                     7                78.945        78.955                   7

                                           78.975        78.985                     8                78.955        78.965                   8


                                           78.985        78.995                    99               78.965        78.975                  99

                            2            78.995        78.005                    00               78.975        78.985                  00

                                           79.005        79.015                    01               78.985        78.995                  01

                                           79.015        79.025                    02               78.995        79.005                  02


                                           79.025        79.035                    03               79.005        79.015                  03

                            3            79.035        79.045                    04               79.015        79.025                  04

                                           79.045        79.055                    05               79.025        79.035                  05

                                           79.055        79.065                    06               79.035        79.045                  06


                                           79.065        79.075                    07               79.045        79.055                  07

                            4            79.075        79.085                    08               79.055        79.065                  08

                                           79.085        79.095                    09               79.065        79.075                  09

                                           79.095        79.105                     1                79.075        79.085                   1


Customer             Over-     79.465        79.475                 7 + 0.5           79.445        79.455              7 + 0.5

                            size        79.475        79.485                 8 + 0.5           79.455        79.465              8 + 0.5

                            0.5 mm  79.485        79.495                 9 + 0.5           79.465        79.475              9 + 0.5

                                           79.495        79.505                 0 + 0.5           79.475        79.485              0 + 0.5



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 18 E, C 18 NT, C 18 NE


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production                         84.745*      84.755                     5                84.735*      84.745                   5

                            1            84.755        84.765                     6                84.745        84.755                   6

                                           84.765        84.775                     7                84.755        84.765                   7

                                           84.775        84.785                     8                84.765        84.775                   8


                                           84.785        84.795                    99               84.775        84.785                  99

                            2            84.795        84.805                    00               84.785        84.795                  00

                                           84.805        84.815                    01               84.795        84.805                  01

                                           84.815        84.825                    02               84.805        84.815                  02


                                           84.825        84.835                    03               84.815        84.825                  03

                            3            84.835        84.845                    04               84.825        84.835                  04

                                           84.845        84.855                    05               84.835        84.845                  05

                                           84.855        84.865                    06               84.845        84.855                  06


                                           84.865        84.875                    07               84.855        84.865                  07

                            4            84.875        84.885                    08               84.865        84.875                  08

                                           84.885        84.895                    09               84.875        84.885                  09

                                           84.895        84.905                     1                84.885        84.895                   1


Customer             Over-     85.265*      85.275                 7 + 0.5           85.255*      85.265              7 + 0.5

Service                size        85.275        85.285                 8 + 0.5           85.265        85.275              8 + 0.5

                            0.5mm   85.285        85.295                 9 + 0.5           85.275        85.285              9 + 0.5

                                           85.295        85.305                 0 + 0.5           85.285        85.295              0 + 0.5


*)    inclusive



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 18 E, 18 SE, E 18 NV, S 18 NV, C 18 NT, C 18 NE


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production                         84.775        84.785                     8                84.755        84.765                   8

                                           84.785        84.795                    99               84.765        84.775                  99

                            2            84.795        84.805                    00               84.775        84.785                  00

                                           84.805        84.815                    01               84.785        84.795                  01

                                           84.815        84.825                    02               84.795        84.805                  02


Customer             Mag.-     85.265        85.275                 7 + 0.5           85.275        85.285              7 + 0.5

Service                size

                            0.5 mm



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions - 20 NE, 20 SEH, C 20 NE


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production           2            85.975        85.985                     8                85.955        85.965                   8

                                           85.985        85.995                    99               85.965        85.975                  99

                                           85.995        86.005                    00               85.975        85.985                  00

                                           86.005        86.015                    01               85.985        85.995                  01

                                           86.015        85.025                    02               85.995        86.005                  02


Customer             Over-     86.465        86.475                 7 + 0.5           86.445        86.455              7 + 0.5

Service                size

                            0.5 mm



OHC Petrol Engines


Cylinder Grinding and Piston Dimensions -C 20 XE, 20 XE, 20 XEJ


The piston diameter must be measured at the point marked "D".

Object Number: 2374929  Size: DEFAULT



                                                                       Cylinder                                                    Piston

                            Size       Cylinder bore                Index for                Matching piston          Index on

                                           Æ in            mm             cylinder bore          Æ in            mm           piston top

                                           from            to                on crankcase          from            to


Production           1            85.975*      84.985                     8                85.945*      85.955                   8

                                           85.985        85.995                    99               85.955        85.965                  99

                                           85.995        86.005                    00               85.965        85.975                  00

                                           86.005        86.015                    01               85.975        85.985                  01


                            2            86.015        86.025                    02               85.985        85.995                  02


Customer             Over-     86.465        86.475                 7 + 0.5           86.435        86.445              7 + 0.5

Service                size        86.475        86.485                 8 + 0.5           86.445        86.455              8 + 0.5

                            0.5mm   86.485        86.495                 9 + 0.5           86.455        86.465              9 + 0.5

                                           86.495        86.505                 0 + 0.5           86.465        86.475              0 + 0.5


OHC and DOHC Petrol Engines - Piston Rings > < Piston Rings, Replace