Premier V6-182 3.0L SOHC (1990)

Fig. 4 Alternator Pivot Bolt, Lock Bolt And Adjusting Bolt 3.0L Engine
4. Loosen alternator pivot bolt Fig. 4.
5. Loosen locking bolt Fig. 4.
6. Loosen adjusting bolt Fig. 4 until the belt can be removed from the alternator pulley.
7. Lower the vehicle.
Fig. 5 Engine Damper Mounting Bracket 3.0L Engine
8. Remove lock nuts securing engine damper mounting bracket to engine Fig. 5. Push the bracket towards the engine.
9. Remove the accessory drive belt.
CAUTION: When installing the serpentine accessory drive belt, the belt must be routed correctly. It is possible to route the belt incorrectly and rotate
the water pump in the opposite direction causing the engine to overheat. Refer to the appropriate accessory drive belt schematic in this section for the
correct routing.