Grand Cherokee 2WD V6-3.7L (2008)
The water pump on 3.7L engines is bolted directly to the engine timing chain case cover.
1. Clean gasket mating surfaces.
2. Using a new gasket, position water pump and install mounting bolts. Tighten water pump mounting bolts to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.) torque.
3. Spin water pump to be sure that pump impeller does not rub against timing chain case/cover.
4. Connect radiator lower hose to water pump.
5. Relax tension from belt tensioner. Install drive belt See: Engine/Drive Belts, Mounts, Brackets and Accessories/Drive Belt/Service and
Repair/Accessory Drive Belt - Installation.
CAUTION: When installing the serpentine accessory drive belt, belt must be routed correctly. If not, engine may overheat due to water
pump rotating in wrong direction.
6. Be sure the upper and lower portions of the fan shroud are firmly connected. All air must flow through the radiator.
7. Install two fan shroud-to-radiator screws.
8. Be sure of at least 25 mm (1.0 inches) between tips of fan blades and fan shroud.
9. Fill cooling system See: Service and Repair.
10. Connect negative battery cable.
11. Start and warm the engine. Check for leaks.