300Tdi Engine
1. Remove rocker shaft.
2. Remove fuel injectors.
3. Remove glow plugs.
4. Using sequence shown, progressively slacken
then remove and discard 18 bolts securing
cylinder head.
5. Using assistance, remove cylinder head.
NOTE: Dowel located.
6. Remove cylinder head gasket.
CAUTION: Identify cylinder head gasket
thickness by the number of holes in the
edge of the gasket between numbers 3
and 4 injector ports. Replacement gasket must
be of the same thickness as the original unless a
replacement cylinder head, crankshaft and/or
pistons are fitted.
- See Cylinder head gasket
7. Discard cylinder head gasket.
8. Remove 2 bolts securing coolant outlet elbow.
9. Remove coolant outlet elbow.
10. Remove thermostat from housing.
11. Remove 4 bolts securing thermostat housing to
cylinder head, remove housing.
12. Remove and discard gasket.
13. Remove all traces of gasket using suitable
gasket removal spray and a plastic scraper.