300Tdi Defender Engine Valve Clearance Check and Adjustment for Improved Performance
Service repair no - 12.29.48
WARNING: If the crankshaft is rotated with
excessive valve clearace, it is possible
that the push rods could be dislodged
from the cam follower seating and fracture the
cam follower slide. To prevent damage, eliminate
all clearance from any loose rockers before
turning the crankshaft to adjust clearances.
1. Rotate crankshaft until No.8 valve (counting from
front of engine) is fully open.
2. Using a 0,20 mm (0.008 in) feeler gauge adjust
clearance of No.1 valve.
3. Slacken locknut and turn adjusting screw
clockwise to reduce clearance and
anti-clockwise to increase clearance. Tighten
locknut to
16 Nm (12 lbf/ft).
4. Repeat operation for remaining tappets in the
following sequence:
No.3 tappet with No.6 valve fully open.
No.5 tappet with No.4 valve fully open.
No.2 tappet with No.7 valve fully open.
No.8 tappet with No.1 valve fully open.
No.6 tappet with No.3 valve fully open.
No.4 tappet with No.5 valve fully open.
No.7 tappet with No.2 valve fully open.
5. On completion, recheck clearances and adjust
as necessary.