300Tdi Defender
Swivel pin housing
22. Remove bolts securing oil seal retaining plate
and joint washer. Release assembly from swivel
pin housing.
NOTE: Removal of oil seal and retaining
plate is achieved when swivel bearing
housing is removed.
23. Remove 2 bolts, retaining lower swivel pin to
24. Remove brake disc shield bracket.
25. Tap lug to remove lower swivel pin and joint
26. Remove two bolts retaining brake hose bracket
and top swivel pin.
27. Remove bracket, top swivel pin and shims.
28. Remove swivel pin housing while retrieving
lower and upper bearings.
Swivel bearing housing
29. Remove lower bearing track from swivel bearing
NOTE: Use upper bearing opening to gain
access to lower bearing track.
30. Remove 7 bolts retaining swivel bearing housing
to axle case.
31. Remove inner oil seal from back of housing.
32. Remove top bearing track from swivel bearing
NOTE: Use lower bearing opening to gain
access to upper bearing track.
33. If worn, pitted or damaged, renew housing.
34. Fit upper and lower bearing tracks into swivel
bearing housing.
CAUTION: Ensure bearing tracks are fitted
square or damage could occur.
35. With seal lips trailing, fit swivel housing inner oil
seal into rear of housing. Grease seal lips.
Fit swivel pin housing
36. Coat swivel bearing housing to axle casing bolts
with Loctite 270 or equivalent.
37. Coat both sides of joint washer with a sealing
compound. Position swivel bearing housing to
axle mating face.
Swivel assembly components
1. Swivel pin housing
2. Top swivel pin and brake hose bracket
3. Upper and lower swivel pin bearings
4. Shim
5. Retaining plate and washer
6. Oil seal
7. Joint washer
8. Swivel bearing housing
9. Joint washer
10. Lower swivel pin
11. Mudshield bracket
12. Swivel housing inner oil seal