TD5 Defender
14. Clean caliper to hub mating faces.
15. Position caliper to hub, fit bolts and tighten to 82
Nm (60 lbf.ft).
16. Remove plugs from pipe to caliper connections
and wipe.
17. Connect pipe to caliper, tighten union to 15 Nm
(11 lbf.ft).
18. Apply a light film of grease to rear of brake pads.
19. Fit pads to calipers.
From 02MY, ensure pads are correctly fitted,
with leading edge chamfer fitted as shown.
20. Fit pad retainers and springs.
21. Fit split pins to retainers.
22. Remove brake hose clamp.
23. Bleed brakes. See Adjustment.
24. Depress brake pedal to seat pads onto discs.
25. Fit road wheels, remove axle stands and tighten
nuts to 130 Nm (96 lbf.ft).
Service repair no - 70.55.03
1. Loosen rear road wheel nuts.
2. Raise rear of vehicle.
WARNING: Support on safety stands.
3. Remove road wheel.
4. Remove split pins from brake pad retaining pins.
5. Remove brake pad retaining pins.
6. Remove brake pad retainer springs.
7. Remove brake pads and shim if fitted.
8. Position container beneath brake caliper to
collect spillage.
9. Loosen brake pipe union and disconnect from
CAUTION: Plug the connections.
10. Remove 2 bolts securing caliper.
11. Remove brake caliper.