TD5 Defender
Security LED
The security LED has a number of functions to indicate anti-theft alarm system status. The LED is located in the
speedometer housing in the instrument pack. The LED receives a permanent battery supply via fusible link 6 in
the under seat fuse box. The LED is connected to the anti-theft alarm ECU which earths the connection when LED
operation is required. When the LED is not required to be illuminated, the anti-theft alarm ECU holds the
connection at battery voltage, keeping the LED extinguished.
When the system is armed and the bonnet and all doors are closed, the LED flashes quickly for a 10 second
confirmation period and confirms that perimetric and volumetric systems are armed. After the 10 second
confirmation period the LED flash changes to a slow flash to confirm that the alarm and immobiliser systems are
armed and to act as deterrent to thieves.
The LED also conveys CDL system information and this functionality is described in the Central Door Locking
(CDL) section.