TD5 Defender
Service repair no - 12.13.02
1. Remove cylinder head gasket. See this
2. Note the gasket thickness indicator and ensure
the same thickness gasket is used on refitment
of cylinder head.
3. Disconnect multiplug from injector units and
remove harness from camshaft carrier.
4. Remove and discard multiplug ’O’ ring.
5. Loosen lock nuts and fully retract rocker
adjusting screws.
6. Progressively loosen then remove and discard 6
bolts securing rocker shaft, remove shaft.
7. Using sequence shown, progressively loosen
then remove 13 bolts securing camshaft carrier
to cylinder head.
8. Gently tap the camshaft carrier upwards to break
the sealant bond and remove carrier noting it is
located by 2 dowels.
9. Remove camshaft.
10. Remove and discard camshaft rear oil seal.
11. Remove and discard lock nuts and rocker
adjusting screws.
12. Check bearing surfaces in cylinder head and
camshaft carrier for signs of scoring and wear.