TD5 Defender
5. Progressively loosen then remove and discard 6
bolts; remove rocker shaft assembly.
6. Remove and discard lock nuts and rocker
adjusting screws.
7. Clean rocker shaft and mating faces.
CAUTION: If rocker arms or shaft are to be
replaced, ensure replacements are correct.
Engine Serial No. Prefixes 10P to 14P are
fitted with Type A rocker arms and shaft. Engine
Serial No. Prefixes 15P to 19P are fitted with Type
B rocker arms and shaft. Type B rocker arms and
shaft may be fitted to Engine Serial No. Prefixes
10P to 14P as an assembly.
8. Fit new rocker adjusting screws into rocker arms.
Fit new lock nuts to screws but do not tighten.
CAUTION: Ensure screws are correct for
type of rocker arm fitted. Replacement
screws for Engine Serial No. Prefixes 15P
to 19P have a centre punch mark adjacent to the
adjusting slot. These screws are not
interchangeable with those fitted to Engine Sertial
No. Prefixes 10P to 14P.
9. Fit rocker shaft ensuring it is located on dowel.
10. Fit new retaining bolts and working from the
centre outwards, tighten bolts progressively to
32 Nm (24 lbf. ft) .